Tuesday 19 April 2011

Copy Editing - Through Quality Writing

What do copy editors do? I have had this doubt lingering in my head for some time. Finally, I gather some ideas and give them a form here. And I ask myself again: what do copy editors do? Do they summarize or paraphrase documents or have distinct goals as editors do?
Yes, I believe they have distinct goals like editors generally do. They review, choose, select and fit in the finest substance in the final stages of a document. They possess the art of Quality Writing – which has a uniqueness of its own. Writing, with no errors in the content’s spelling, logic, grammar, grasp or structure, and fabricating the subject matter to speak out and be clear, as if the subject matter has a life and personality of its own.
Copy editors essentially do thorough analysis with respect for the writer’s accent. The editor’s exactitude – exactness, precision and accuracy, comes through extensive experience and meticulous reading. Editors have to gain the trust from their writers, for their content; ensure that the writer’s voice is not detracted; sustain the stylistic consistency and the writer’s distinctive voice.
Standard copy editing functions include corrections for spelling, grammar, including rephrasing sentences, references and footnotes, for technical accuracy and placement of citations, captioning to illustrate the essence and ensure consistency – the presentation and usage of all the elements of a the text.
A style sheet or a layout is the crony of an editor undoubtedly. Scrutinizing the subject on the editor’s style sheet will maintain accuracy and achieve excellence in texture and design. Querying carefully, respectfully and appropriately will promote the articulacy of the writer to a great extent.
The essential point the editors have to bear in mind constantly throughout their exercise is that the writer or the author is the final authority. The editor’s expertise should do no harm for the intent and enunciation of the authors. Discerning the intent of the author and articulating the accents lies at the heart of all copy editing.